Wednesday, 7 November 2012

There's other ways to advertise Apocalypse?

There are other ways to promote films other than a trailer, these can include on the radio, television, websites, posters, magazines and billboards. A task has just be published that we have to produce two Ancillary Tasks which is totally individual and includes creating two of the following:
  • Create a poster
  • Create a webpage
  • Create a front cover for a film magazine
I have decided to create a poster and a front cover for a film magazine. I believe that I will strengthen my grade for this project as in the past this has been my strong point throughout my history studying Media Studies. For my GCSE, the project was to create two movie magazine of which I was able to achieve an A* in the particular project. Last year for the AS project, a music magazine had to be created including a front cover, contents page and double page spread, I was able to achieve an A for this part of the project. I think I have the knowledge and understanding for these advertising roles to put into creating these ancillary tasks. 

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