Friday, 15 March 2013

The movie poster in the making...

Below is my first development draft of my movie poster. Certain aspects became hard to do as the quality and lighting of the images were hard to edit and put the right effects on the characters to make the poster dark and daunting. In order to improve my work I have asked my peers to evaluate my work.

  • "I like the fact you are using the characters names in the film on the poster and on top of the weapons"
  • "The face on the girl is very dark and therefore cannot see her"
  • "The text on the poster is very effective and fits in well with the genre"
  • "Theres no third character"
  • "The effects are good and show that it is quite bloody?"
This is some good feedback but as the effects are hard to do for a full body shot of the characters, I will now start the process again but follow the second design as these are more face shots. I will do this because when I researched other movie posters and I thought this looked very effective for the target audience and will appeal more to them.

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