Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Another meeting?

Within this meeting we have decided to discuss the music/soundtrack that would go on top of the action shots within the trailer. The soundtrack is a vital part of the trailer as this most defiantly makes it more effective. We wanted to pick a track that would emotionally grab the attention of the audience and relate to the story of the three young survivors. We sat down in front of a computer and searched the web for songs that would appeal to us and fit in with the shots of the trailer. We have decided that we would have more than one soundtrack as this would help intertwine different levels of the trailer.

The first soundtrack that we thought would fit in with our trailer was ‘Aint no grave’ by Johnny Cash.  This song appealed to us as it was slow and began to increase in tempo very slowly. We thought that this would fit in well with the slower parts of the trailer. We also liked it as there is some very distinctive drum sounds that we feel could help build tension for the audience. Also the context of which is involved within the soundtrack couldn’t be more appropriate and fit in with the genre of the trailer. The lyrics of the song talk about Death, preparing for death and life after death. This fits perfectly with the theme and the fact that the three survivors are doing everything to ensure that they don’t die. 

Another soundtrack that we thought was very distinctive and mysterious was ‘Action District’ that we were able to find on ‘Audio Network’. This soundtrack has a very distinctive dubstep beat to it that starts of at a very slow pace and then builds up to become very fast. This would be perfect as the trailer starts of slow and then builds up with the montage of action shots. The soundtrack also has that tense sound to it that I feel the audience can become emotionally grabbed by the soundtrack. It is a non-digetic sound which helps add the element of mystery and will help the digetic sound stand out. We feel almost confident that we will be using this for the first half of the trailer.

The last sound that we have documented it as a heart beat sound, of which we have also found off the ‘Audio Network’ website. This we feel would be good to include at the later stages of the trailer as it helps build up the tension to the angle reverse angle of which we are thinking of including. This would also help keep the second section of the slow pace after the fast pace action montage, and help build it up to the zombie scare, of which was my idea, at the end to generate a huge fright. 

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