Thursday, 28 February 2013

Narrative Theory

Narrative theory examines the way in which storytelling frames the content and the meaning of media messages. Narrative theory holds the story telling process and is used in factual as well as fiction media. This theory explores the features that govern the stories produced by the media. Propp referred to the 8 character functions and/or the 31 devices. Todorov argues that the narrative is about the disruption of equilibrium and the consequences of that disruption for a range of characters until a new equilibrium is established.
We will incorporate this theory into our piece as we would like to give each character a role, such as James as the Hero, Jonah as the helper and Anna as the reward. This will match the 8 roles of Propp. The narrative will be about the disruption of the fact civilisation has in fact crumbled and focus on the consequences such as fighting for human existence.

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