Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Pitch is fast approaching…

It is almost the time where my group and I have to present our ideas to our teachers by doing a pitch. We have to include all of our ideas from the synopsis to the types of characters. We have to provide storyboard, production schedule, location shots and draft work for our ancillary tasks. We have had a meeting to see if we are on track to present our work, it seems that we have some more things to complete but we know we will succeed and get given the go ahead to put our ideas on to screen.  

Wednesday 14 November 2012

How do I create a professional Film Poster?

For our Ancillary task I have been tasked to create a film poster of which advertises Apocalypse. I have undergone some research which will enable me to produce a professional movie poster that will support my group and I teaser trailer.
I have looked at some existing film posters of which match our genre and analysed the codes and conventions of which I can incorporate into my poster.


This film poster for instance, you can clearly tell that this is a horror film poster as it is very dark and can only see the eyes of the character involved. This character is making eye contact with the target audience which helps drag them in to look more into the poster. Also it doesn’t let off much about the film, it has its main features such as the name of the film, the main star which stars in the film, the tagline, the date of release of which doesn’t specify the day only month and year, and the credits of which include the production company, director etc. I like the way in which the poster is dark and isn’t very revealing, and this could be a possible feature of which I include within my film poster.

I am Legend
This film poster doesn’t let off that much at all. We, as an audience, are established to the location and the main character. The name of the character is at the top of the poster in a serif font which stands out from the rest of the page. The title of the film lies at the bottom of the poster above the credits. The tagline also in a serif font is smaller than the title and the characters name which shows the importance of the other two elements. By this poster you can clearly see the sense of isolation and that the world has come to an end. You can feel a sense of fear and horror within the characters body language and the establishing shot of the emptiness location in the background.


The film poster establishes the four main characters that are involved within the film. The characters that are established are all holding weapons which suggests to the audience that they are battling for something, which is supported by the burning of the location which is in the background. The title of the film is very clear and bold to the audience as it is in a fiery orange font colour which also suggests a sense of war and battle. The way the characters suggests a little about the characters as in who are more dominant and who are less dominant. The way the title is aligned also makes it stand out. The date of release is in a red font colour which helps identify that for the audience.

I shall try to incorporate different elements within my movie poster as there are certain qualities that I feel can help advertise Apocalypse, help identify the genre of which it is in and help the audience be intrigued by the film and will make them want to watch it.  

Wednesday 7 November 2012

There's other ways to advertise Apocalypse?

There are other ways to promote films other than a trailer, these can include on the radio, television, websites, posters, magazines and billboards. A task has just be published that we have to produce two Ancillary Tasks which is totally individual and includes creating two of the following:
  • Create a poster
  • Create a webpage
  • Create a front cover for a film magazine
I have decided to create a poster and a front cover for a film magazine. I believe that I will strengthen my grade for this project as in the past this has been my strong point throughout my history studying Media Studies. For my GCSE, the project was to create two movie magazine of which I was able to achieve an A* in the particular project. Last year for the AS project, a music magazine had to be created including a front cover, contents page and double page spread, I was able to achieve an A for this part of the project. I think I have the knowledge and understanding for these advertising roles to put into creating these ancillary tasks. 

Monday 5 November 2012

What do we choose?

In our first meeting as a group we decided to research into the genre and watch some movie trailers to get more of an understanding of what we were about to create. In our second meeting, of which this blog post is about, we have decided to think of a name for our film idea. We have also decided to think up a synopsis of the film, what characters and what sort of characters will be included and what type of locations.

For this meeting we have decided to concentrate on naming our film/trailer. There were a variety of different name ideas including:
  • Apocalypse
  • Nerve Agent Z
  • Virus 999
  • The End of the Road
  • Survival
  • World at War
  • E.N.D 
As a group we decided to create a short-list of names of which stood out to us, the included Apocalypse, Nerve Agent Z and Virus 999. After a great amount of discussion during the meeting and the vision we had for our trailer, we concluded with a working title of Apocalypse. We labelled it as a ‘Working Title’ as we were uncertain as we hadn’t thought of a synopsis as of yet, and hoped that this would inspire us to draft up a astonishing idea for the final piece. 

Friday 2 November 2012

Who will we aim our trailer at?

My group and I are certain that we would like to pursue with creating a teaser trailer involving a post apocalyptic universe of which would be involving zombies. Our next task was to generate a target audience for the teaser trailer/film. IMDB.com has a top ten film list for post apocalyptic films of which involves:

1.      A Boy and his Dog
2.      I Am Legend
3.      Armageddon
4.      28 Days Later
5.      Doomsday
6.      Equilibrium
7.      28 Weeks Later
8.      Judgement Day
9.      12 Monkeys
10.  The Road

I thought that it would be a good idea to find on average the age rating for this top 10 list of films and the one in which would be more popular, would then finalise our age rating for our film. The result of the average age rating was a 15. Also we have decided that we will be targeting the trailer at a male audience as this genre is more popular within the male audience.
This so happened that my group and I were thinking of creating the teaser trailer for this age group and audience as it seems that this genre is more popular within this age bracket. I undertook some of my own research and surveyed 20 people from each age group, 15-20, 21-30, 31-40 and 41+. Below are the results of my independent surveys: