The fonts above show the font used within the movie trailer and the font below is what has been used on the movie poster. The font 'Scorched Earth' has been used within both of these media products and show a high level of consistency. The font style is effective as it looks as the effects at the bottom of each letter looks like the zombie like creature has been scratching at the font to get in and eat the brains of the audience. This is also effective as it meets the conventions of the font style of the real media products within this genre.
The way in which the red effects have been placed inside the font also adds an element of this could represent blood shot eyes of the characters showing that they get no sleep as they are constantly aware of the zombie like creatures. The way in which the film poster shows only the bottom half of the face. This has been put in to place from the research that was completed from the real media movie poster 'The Crazies'. Using this type of character shot adds a sense of mystery of who is acting within it. This proved to be very popular with the target audience as this gained very positive feedback.
Within the Front cover, I have not used this font style as this a different media product that has its own house style of which needs to be work to. The front cover is effective as the bold fonts help advertise and draw the audience into the product with the use of bold fonts and bright red font colour. This red is effective as this colour represents danger, blood and death which fit's the genre perfectly.
The character used within the poster, magazine front cover and the movie trailer is consistent as the character is the same, he has the same costume and the effect is the same. The use of the same character, the use of the same effects and Mise-en-scene contributes a sense of familiarity within the three media products which allows easy identification which is very important in terms of audience. The images below show how all three have included these aspects to produce an effective main product and ancillary texts.
Lastly the tag-line of the film 'The struggle begins' is on all of the products which is effective as this provides more level of consistency and provides the audience with a clear memorable phrase of which sums up the film and allows it to reinforce the audiences memory of the product.
This image below shows how this has been done:
This image below shows how this has been done:
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