Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Apocalypse has a Synopsis?

Below is a short synopsis of which my group and I have had great discussion about and this is our final idea:

‘The film begins after a worldwide sickness which has infected all adults, turning them into zombie like creatures. The surviving children have formed a number of groups throughout London in order to better combat the threat posed by the adults and to increase their odds of survival.

A teenager, James Greenwood awakes to find this epidemic on going and struggles to cope with the imposing task of having to ‘find his own way’. James is initially unaware the sickness only infected the adults and tries to search for his parents and siblings of whom are presumed to be dead because of the epidemic.

Along the way he comes across a variety of different teenagers, four of whom, Anna, Katie, her younger sibling and Jonah, join him on his journey to form a group that works together to continue to survive day by day.’

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